Saturday, November 21, 2009

First Blog

To Whom It May Concern: I am an everyday average joe. I go to school, come home, don't do anything particularly spectacular. Just a regular everyday normal guy. I'd like to take time to tell people out there my story, let them know what has happened in my life. In the end i'd like to see what people out there think about my thoughts and stories.

I'm going to start my first blog by telling my background and in future blogs, I would like to introduce various stories. Stories about love, friendships, and everything in between that happens to pop into my brain.

Background: My name is ______, i grew up in a midwest small town community. Growing up my father was busy with work and i grew into a closer relationship with my mother. Interests growing up were sports, superheroes, comics, and all other fads that kids at the time were into. As a kid i naturally grew into a great set of morals, self-sufficiency, and personality. My family experienced my mother and father getting divorced when i was in the sixth grade, after the divorce the family experienced moves from town to town until we settled on a town close to my original hometown. Although it was within a decently close distance to my original hometown, all my relationships with friends there were lost. After living in my new town it was a struggle to fit in for me and created one of the biggest struggles of my life. In high school i frequently hung out at a local boys and girls club and will always be forever thankful to the establishment being there for me. Now i am currently in college, and its been a great experience thus far. I started this blog because this whole time that i've been alive i feel that i've never been able to trully tell people out there my experiences or thoughts. Throughout my blog posts, i will tell a story and my thoughts about it.

Everyday Average Joe